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The heroine Suchitra Sen wants to return to Bangladesh again!

The Dhaka Times Desk Suchitra Sen, the popular actress of Kolkata, India, has said that her last wish after her death is to have her last rites in Bangladesh District Pabna is


Suchitra Sen was born in Pabna, Bangladesh. Moved to India with the rest of the family after partition. But Suchitra Sen still loves Bangladesh in her heart just like before. It was confirmed that Suchitra Sen's Bangladesh would be a good home after knowing her last wish.

Currently, Bengali cinema's all-time leading heroine Suchitra Sen is on the brink of death. He is kept in Kolkata Bellevue Hospital On life support. Doctors said Suchitra Sen's condition is critical. Meanwhile, Suchitra Sen has been nebulized, and phlegm has been artificially removed from her chest. He has water in his lungs and his recovery is very uncertain.


At this moment, the hearts of Suchitra devotees including all over Kolkata are mourning. One wish of everyone is that Suchitra, the evergreen heroine of Bengali cinema, should not lose to death.

Bangladeshi girl Suchitra Sen's real name was Rama Dasgupta, later a prominent businessman in Kolkata By Dibanath Sen Rama Sen took the surname of her husband when she got married. A few days later, with the encouragement of her husband, she entered the film world of Kolkata. He came to the world of film and gave his name Suchitra Sen. Since then, Suchitra's path has continued. Uttam Kumar He has done numerous Bengali films as a pair. Day by day she became a legendary heroine of Bengali films. At the same time, Suchitra did several Hindi films. Suchitra was the first Indian actress to win a foreign film award. Indian Medal Dada Saheb Phalke Although given, Suchitra rejected the medal.


Numerous films starring Suchitra Sen are still embedded in the hearts of millions of people, the Bangladeshi girl Suchitra is very much averse to publicity. After retiring from films, he has lived a largely silent life outside the media. No one knew how much love Suchitra had for Bangladesh in her heart. From Suchitra's last wish, it is clear how much Bangladesh belongs to her. In the communal division of 1947 As a result, even though he was forced to leave Bangladesh, he still remembers his deep love for Bangladesh. So he chose Bangladesh as his last refuge after death.


Meanwhile, various discussions are going on all over Kolkata to know about Suchitra's wish. Media and common people in Kolkata are wondering about Suchitra Sen's desire to return to Bangladesh.

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