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The Dhaka Times Desk Google Chrome is currently one of the most popular web browsers. This browser is used by many people because of its good security and fast working. But there is no alternative to keyboard shortcuts if you want to browse faster. How many keyboard shortcuts have you seen in Google Chrome?


Keyboard shortcuts for content that:
1. Manage tab
2. address bar
3. Webpage view
4. How many webpages are browsed?
5. Browse a webpage
6. Browse the features of the browser
7. search
8. Bookmark shortcut
9. other

Shortcuts used in tab management:

Ctrl+t  To open a new tab
Ctrl+w/Ctrl+F4  To close the tab/close the browser (if a tab is open)
Ctrl+Shift+t  To resume the previous tab
Ctrl+1 through Ctrl+8  To jump to different tabs
Ctrl+9  To return to the previous tab

(or ctrl+page up/ctrl+page down)

 Go to the next or previous tab
Ctrl+n  To launch a new Chrome window
Ctrl+Shift+n  To launch windows in incognito mode
Alt+F4  To close the open window
Ctrl and click on link  To open the link in the background tab
Shift+ctrl and click on link  To open the link in the front tab
Shift and click on link  To open the link in a new window
Alt and click on link  Download link
Drag link to existing tab  To open the link in the selected tab
Drag link to tab bar  To open the link in the specified position in a new tab


Address bar related keyboard shortcuts:

Alt+d/Ctrl+l  To jump to the address bar
Ctrl+e  To search in the address bar
Home/End in address bar  To jump to the start or end of the address bar
Ctrl+a in address bar  To select all entries in the address bar
Type name of site and press Ctrl+Enter  In the beginning www. To open the page in the current tab with .com at the end
Type name of site and press Alt+Enter  In the beginning www. To open the page in background tab with .com at the end
Type search term and press Enter  To search the search engine by keyword or URI

Keyboard Shortcuts Related to Webpage View:

F6  To alternate focus between addressbar and webpage
Arrow Down/Arrow up with focus on webpage  To scroll down or up
Page Down/Page Up  To scroll up and down a page
Home/End  To jump to the beginning or end of the page
Ctrl++ / Ctrl+

(or ctrl+mousewheel)

 Zoom in / zoom out
Ctrl+0 (zero)  Return to normal text size
Ctrl+u  To view the source of the webpage
F11   To turn full screen on/off


Keyboard Shortcuts Required to Browse How Many Webpages:

Alt+Home  To jump to the homepage
Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow Right  To jump to the previous or next page
F5/Ctrl+r  To reload the current page
Ctrl+F5/Shift+F5  To reload current page with cache override
Esc  To stop webpage loading

Keyboard shortcuts required to browse a webpage:

Tab/Shift+Tab with focus on webpage  To jump to the next or previous link
Enter on link  To open the link in the current tab
Ctrl+Enter on link  To open tabs in the background
Shift+Ctrl+Enter on link  To open the link in the front tab
Shift+Enter on link  To open the link in a new window
Alt+Enter on link  Download link
Shift+F10  to open the context menu
Ctrl+a  To select all page content
Ctrl+c with content selected  To copy the selected content to the clipboard

Keyboard shortcuts required to browse browser features:

Ctrl+p  To print the current webpage
Ctrl+o  to open the file
Ctrl+s  To save the current page
Alt+f  Open the Wrench Menu
Ctrl+h  Hto open the history tab
Ctrl+j  Open the Downloads tab

Search related keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+f  To search for text on webpages
Enter with text found on webpage  to get the next match
Shift+Enter with text found on webpage  To get the previous match
Esc  To close the Search Window
Ctrl + Enter with text found on webpage  To open the found text if it is a link

Keyboard Shortcuts Related to Bookmark Shortcuts:

Ctrl+Shift+b Bookmark bar Show or hide
Ctrl+d To add a bookmark to the current page
To add bookmarks by editing the details of the current page
Drag URI to bookmark bar To bookmark the webpage
Alt+d, then f6 To jump to the bookmarks toolbar
Alt+f, then b BOpen Mark Manager Tab

Other keyboard shortcuts:

Shift+Alt+t To set focus on the toolbar
Ctrl+Shift+i/Ctrl+Shift+j Open Developer Tools / JavaScript Console
Shift+Esc To see Google Task manager
F1 Get Chrome Help


Use the given shortcuts that you need. See how easy web browsing has become.

Source: shortcutworld

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