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This time, Google Chrome will run faster: it will also save the charge of the laptop

The Dhaka Times Desk Google has released a new version of Chrome browser. That's why Google Chrome will run faster this time. It will also save the charge of the laptop.

New Version Google Chrome

Google's Chrome is the most used browser in the world. But this browser is not perfect, many people are moving away from using Google Chrome due to some problems in recent times. Several extensions and background apps of this browser occupy the PC's memory and reduce the processing power. In addition, it drains the laptop or phone charge quickly.

Google authorities claim that the new version of Chrome browser has solved both these problems. Webpages will load faster with this new Chrome browser. Google claimed in a blog post that the new feature added to Chrome will reduce memory usage by an average of 10 percent. And in some cases it will leave 40 percent.

Again this version of Chrome has added the facility to set automatic restore tab. It will also save some system memory. And so the new version of Chrome will be able to save battery charge up to 15 percent. This result was found in Google's laboratory. However, the battery saving depends on the operating system and the flash content of the website. Google authorities have also said that ads and video content created in Flash will be stopped in the Chrome browser.

Learn how to update

If you want to update this new version of Google Chrome from PC, then go to the menu marked with three lines at the top right corner of the Chrome browser. If you have an update for the system, you will see an option called 'Update Google Chrome'. Click on it to update. Then you will need to restart your browser. Open tabs in Windows are saved when the browser is launched.

You can check whether the Google Chrome app has been updated on iPhone and iPad by going to the 'Updates' tab in the App Store. If there is an update option, clicking 'Update All' will download and install the latest version of Chrome.

To get the latest version of Google Chrome as an Android app, go to My Apps by clicking on the Play Store icon. If there is an update option, you can download and install it. If you don't have Google Chrome This is the link You can download from

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