The Dhaka Times
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No verdict in Manzoor murder case: Further hearing to begin on February 27

The Dhaka Times Desk The much-discussed murder case of Manzoor has not been decided. Due to the change of judge, the verdict was not scheduled to be announced on Monday, February 10, as per the scheduled date. The new judge fixed February 27 for retrial.

Ersad & Monjur

It is known that Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad appeared in the court at around 1:30 p.m. due to the date of the verdict. He was accompanied by party secretary general Ruhul Amin Howladar and Ershad's brother GM Quader. Earlier, Jatiya Party leaders appeared in the court.

Judge Hosne Ara Akhtar was replaced by a new judge in this sanctioned murder case. The new judge in this case is Khandkar Hasan Mahmud Feroz.

It should be noted that the then President Ziaur Rahman was killed in an army coup in Chittagong on 30 May 1981. After that incident, the General Officer Staff (GOC) of the 24th Infantry Division of the Army, Mohammad Abul Manjur, was arrested by the police in Chittagong. After being taken from police custody to Chittagong cantonment on June 1, he was shot dead. After 14 years of this incident on February 28, 1995, Manzoor's brother lawyer Abul Mansoor Ahmed filed a murder case at Panchlaish police station in Chittagong. On June 27, 1995, the CID charged 5 people including Ershad in the court. Then on January 22, after presenting the arguments of the state party, the first additional district and session judge of the (temporary) court established next to Dhaka Central Jail, Hosne Ara Aktar, fixed the date of judgment on February 10.

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