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High heel shoes can increase various physical problems

The Dhaka Times Desk All women try to look tall and smart by wearing high heel shoes. This is more common especially in those who are short in height. But researchers say, due to wearing high heels, various physical problems including arthritis may occur.

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High heel shoes are very popular among girls in today's fashion world. Not only the city girls, nowadays also the village girls wear high heel shoes. But these high heel shoes are really dangerous for women's health. If you wear shoes with heels higher than two inches, your risk of osteoarthritis may increase. Osteoarthritis is a painful condition in which the joints deteriorate. This information was obtained from a study by Harvard Medical School.

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Previous studies have shown that people who constantly put pressure on their hip and knee joints or carry loads are at a higher risk of developing osteoarthritis or gout.

Research now shows that when women walk in high heels, they put as much stress on their hip and knee joints as carrying extra weight. And it is a risk factor for osteoarthritis. The same applies to women who walk barefoot.

This study also revealed that women are twice as likely to suffer from osteoarthritis than men. High heel shoes are at the root of all the confusion.

To avoid the risk of osteoarthritis, researchers suggest to always wear flat heeled shoes. And if you have to wear high-heeled shoes, keep them for special occasions. Take off your shoes immediately after the ceremony. Never wear high heels at work or for general purposes. Keep in mind that wearing high heels can damage your knees due to the stress they put on your ankles. So avoid high heel shoes to stay healthy.

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