The Dhaka Times
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Banks will be open on Thursdays and Saturdays

Dhaka Times Desk According to an instruction of Bangladesh Bank, banks will be open next Thursday, August 16, in addition to the previously announced Saturday, August 18.
বৃহস্পতিবার ও শনিবার ব্যাংক খোলা থাকবে 1
It has been reported that all commercial bank branches in the capital Dhaka, Narayanganj, Khulna and Chittagong will be open on Thursday, August 16, the official holiday of Shabbat Kadar, in addition to the pre-announced Saturday as part of the long holiday before Eid. This directive of the central bank has been sent to the chief executives of all commercial banks on Sunday, August 12.

The central bank has asked to conduct transactions on Thursday, August 16 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for the convenience of citizens, including payment of salaries and bonuses to the workers of the garment industry, the main export income of the country.

Although the three-day Eid holiday starts from August 18, the holiday actually starts from August 15 before Eid. August 15, the day after the National Day of Mourning, is a public holiday on August 16. Accordingly, the government holiday is falling from August 15 to August 21. During this long period, especially if the banks are closed, common people including businessmen will suffer greatly. And Bangladesh Bank has decided to think about this.

It is to be noted that after the problem of transactions during the long holiday was raised by the business community, the Central Bank had earlier issued instructions to keep the banks open on Saturday, August 18. Now on 16th of August also the instructions came to open the bank.

It has been reported that Bangladesh Bank has ordered to keep the branches of Scheduled Banks in Dhaka, Savar, Ashulia, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Khulna and Chittagong open from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on Thursday, August 16 subject to ensuring adequate security.

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