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Watch How To Fly A Toy Helicopter [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Who does not like to fly in the sky! But can everyone fly? But if that's the case, you can fly around in your toy helicopter. Today we will learn how to fly in a toy helicopter.

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Many may wonder how a person can fly with the help of a toy helicopter? Is it even possible? Look at the woman in the picture, she is flying in the sky with the help of two small toy helicopters.

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Until now, people thought that it is not possible to carry anything heavy with a toy remote control helicopter. Moreover, people cannot fly in the sky with these helicopters. However, a video published recently on YouTube shows that it is actually possible to fly in the sky with a toy helicopter.


This woman seen in the picture uses two toy helicopters to fly in the sky. In these helicopters, a separate ring is hung from the top with a special strong rope. This woman was able to fly in the sky by holding these rings.

Many people think that it is impossible to fly in the sky with a toy helicopter or even if it is possible, it is a very risky task to control it. A little carelessness can cause terrible danger. However Heligraphix He has done that unimaginable work with his skill. Dear readers, none of you should try to fly in the sky like this without adequate training.

Watch the video how to fly a toy helicopter

Reference: The Tech Journal

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