The Dhaka Times Desk The British clothing company has announced financial assistance of around 77 crore rupees to the relatives of the workers killed and injured in the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh. Primark from the
The factories located at Rana Plaza served as one of the suppliers of the international wholesale clothing company Primark. As a result, since the collapse of Rana Plaza, this company has been trying to stand by the injured workers and their families working in Rana Plaza in various ways.
Reuters In a report, Primark recently announced that it has set up a $10 million fund to provide financial and employment assistance to Rana Plaza workers and their families, which is more than Tk 77 crore in Bangladeshi taka. Among these funds, 9 million dollars will be given directly to the injured workers killed in the building collapse and their families, and a special fund will be formed with the remaining 1 million dollars, from which the injured workers will be helped in various activities including employment.
meanwhile ILO Under its management, a total of 22 clothing brands associated with 5 garment factories in Rana Plaza have formed a special fund that will provide financial assistance to the relatives of the victims and the injured on the 1st anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse on April 24 this year.
Al Jazeera According to sources New web bottom factory Primark will provide direct financial support to the 580 workers who were killed or injured on the job. Because Primark used to buy products from the bottom of the new web. According to a notice of Primark, coming April 24 will complete 1 year of Rana Plaza collapse. And we announced that we will stand by the victims of the Rana Plaza building collapse. As a result, we will meet the families of the workers and the injured workers who supply the garment products made for us on April 24 and hand over financial assistance to them.
Primark has around 250 showrooms in Britain and Europe, after the Rana Plaza collapse Primark received financial support from customers and also made donations to these showrooms.
Currently, Bangladesh is the world's second largest garment exporter after China. Primark will work to ensure a safe workplace for garment workers to avoid such accidents in Bangladesh in the future, the company's spokesperson said in a statement.
Source: Al Jazeera