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By 2014, the Pentagon will build a robot soldier capable of running AK-47!

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, as the use of humans is decreasing due to wars in the world, the US Army is also thinking about the use of robots as an alternative. Let's get to the details.

The future is not far away, it is at the doorstep. who are famous Terminator Fans of the film, surely no longer need to be told what the US military is really up to. However Defense Advanced Research Projects of the agency DARPA (DERPA) Researchers plan to create a robot that can drive a car like the one in the picture, and can do all the tasks very smartly.

The robot, like the one in the Terminator movies, will be used in disaster management, but may later be used by the military. In a news BBC Said, this robot will be able to help the victims by using different equipment in disaster-affected areas. At the same time, the researchers are trying to make a robot similar to the way the robot in the Terminator movie uses machinery to intelligently perform various tasks and drive a car.

DARPA is working to develop the next generation of robots. DARPA will develop robots that can stand by people in disasters and help people through the use of various machines.

DARPA hopes that researchers will develop the robot in such a way that it can perform tasks such as driving a car, completing daily tasks, and climbing stairs. As a result, this robot is able to do these things AK 47(AK-47) The research team hopes to achieve the ability to run.


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