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Indian Army in acute ammunition crisis

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh's neighboring country India's army is currently going through one of the most critical periods in its history. According to various Indian media sources, the Indian Army is currently in the middle of an ammunition crisis.


The Indian Army is the world's second largest infantry force, but the world's second largest infantry force is currently facing a critical ammunition crisis. The country's tanks, air defense units, artillery units and infantry are running out of ammunition for training purposes. As a result, now if the Indian army has to engage in a war with any country, they will not be able to fight for even 40 days.

Meanwhile, Indian Army Chief General Bikram Singh said, "We currently have a shortage of ammunition. If the government gives us a budget, we will not have to think about ammunition for the next 3 years."

Meanwhile, according to the international army rules, a country's army must have all kinds of ammunition for 40 consecutive days in a self-sufficient manner. But the Indian Army doesn't have that, it will take another five years for the Indian Army to be self-sufficient to fight for 40 consecutive days.

The Indian Army generally divides its ammunition into three categories, most of which are used for military training, followed by those used to deal with internal disturbances in the country, and the remaining stockpiles to prevent attacks by other countries.

It should be noted that currently the wind of national elections is blowing in India. And within a few days the current government will hand over the power to the elected new government. As a result, the current government does not want to pass any separate budget during the farewell period. So the Indian Army will have to remain in ammunition crisis for some more time.

Source: The Times of India

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