The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Papaya and carrot mixed milk

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have papaya and carrot mix milk for you. So let's know how to make this papaya and carrot mix milk.

Papaya and carrot mixed ksira


  • # Milk (Liquid) 1 Kg
  • # powdered milk 2 tbsp
  • # Papaya 1 cup
  • # carrot and a half cup
  • # sugar 300 grams
  • # Polao Rice Powder 2 Tbsp
  • # Cinnamon 3/4 t
  • # is the same amount as raisins and poppy seeds
  • prepared method

    First cut carrots and papaya and boil them for a while. Now mix milk and milk powder together well and burn it. Then pour sugar and spices and continue to burn the milk. When you see the milk has thickened add carrot and papaya and heat it again. Now mix rice powder in water and pour it in milk. Take it off when it thickens and congeals. Now spread raisins and pistachios on a plate and serve.

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