The Dhaka Times
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2 people were killed in a gunfight with RAB in Companyganj

The Dhaka Times Desk 2 people were killed in a 'gunfight' with RAB in Companyganj on Saturday morning. RAB has claimed that both of them are pirates.


This incident took place in Charelahi Union of Companiganj Upazila of Noakhali District on Saturday morning. The 2 persons were killed in a 'gunfight' with the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). RAB claimed that the two dead persons, Javed (28) and Suman (25), were members of the pirate Jasu force.

RAB said that raids were being conducted in various areas for the past few days to suppress pirates. The pirates fired at the RAB members in North Uridchar area at around 4 am on Saturday morning. RAB also fired back at this time. Later, two dead bodies and several weapons were recovered from the spot. Similarly, another person named Shahadat Hossain (38) was killed in a 'gunfight' with RAB in West Uridchar on Thursday. RAB claims that Shahadat is the chief of Jasu Bandit 'Jasu Dakat'.

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