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List of distinctively evolved and extinct birds

The Dhaka Times Desk Animals in primitive times were not like they are now. Evolution happens with time. Animals have changed in many ways to survive in the harsh environment. However, many species have retained their individuality. Recently, scientists have compiled a list of the most evolutionary individual birds among different bird species. It is believed to be of great help in preventing the extinction of many species of birds.


An analysis of the list of evolutionary distinct birds shows that it contains only species that are in danger of extinction. At present they are very few in number. Past history also shows that evolutionary distinct species have become extinct.

Canada's Simon Fraser Department of Biodiversity of the University Professor Arne Morse And his team has been researching the evolutionary history of different bird species for the past seven years. That is why they are known to birds 9993Continue to study T species and attempt to create an evolutionary table. But the task is very difficult because no one has worked in this field before. They have to do everything in a new way because they don't have specific data. After long research they were able to construct an evolutionary table. They fit into this evolutionary table 77 billion Species of the year.

The list, created by Professor Arne Morse and his team, places at the top those species that existed long ago and have traits that are most incompatible with existing bird species. According to Oil Bird Most evolutionary distinct. This species is native to Central and South America 80 million It has been the same for years.

See birds in List of evolutionarily distinct birds:

A list of evolutionary distinct birds is a very important document for the future. From this it will be possible to play an effective role in saving the extinct birds. Protecting extinct birds is very important to preserve the environment and ecosystem. By introducing these species globally and creating awareness, it is hoped that the public will play a role in protecting them.

Source: popsci

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