The Dhaka Times
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3 Yaba traders were killed in 'gunfight' in Cox's Bazar

The Dhaka Times Desk There has been another 'gunfight' killing, but this time 3 Yaba traders have been killed in Cox's Bazar. Those 3 Yaba businessmen were killed in a gunfight with the Coast Guard members on the Saint Martin coast of Teknaf. Another person was shot.


The gunfight happened in the Cheradia Island area of Saint Martin early Friday morning. However, no identity of the deceased was known. However, they are believed to be residents of Shahpari Island. The bodies of the deceased have been kept at the Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital morgue.

Yaba traders opened fire on Coast Guard regular patrols early in the morning, media reported. The Coast Guard members fired back in self-defense. The Yaba traders fled after being shot. Later in the afternoon, someone left the bullet-riddled bodies of 3 people at Sadar Hospital.

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