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Ways to get rid of fatigue fast

The Dhaka Times Desk People need to work outside and knock out fatigue. How many steps can be taken after coming home from outside to get rid of the tiredness of the whole day.


# Wash your hands and face thoroughly with cold water after coming home.

# After washing hands and face, sit in the open air for a while, eat cold drinks, curd and some juicy fruits (watermelon, cucumber) etc. and rest. It fills the body with water and minerals that have been sweated throughout the day and keeps the body cool.


# Take a good shower after a few hours to feel fresher. You can mix a little (two drops) of rose water in the bath water. It can increase the freshness of the body.


# Must wear light cotton loose clothing in summer.

# Eat less spicy broth and watery food instead of fried food at night.


Following each step one by one will relieve your daily fatigue. You will get a new enthusiasm to work. Sleep well at night and regain energy and freshness for the next day's work.

Photo: Courtesy of /

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