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How much water do you drink every day in the summer?

Not only should you drink water, but there are some rules for drinking water

The Dhaka Times Desk You need to drink water to keep your body healthy. But you don't know how much water you need to drink every day in this summer. Know the matter.

There is no substitute for water to keep the body healthy. But not only drinking water, there are some rules for drinking water. Apollo Hospital nutritionist Tamanna Chowdhury told the media about the matter. Besides, by drinking water according to the rules, various problems of the body can be eliminated.

Drink at least two liters of water every day

At least two liters of water per day helps to keep the body healthy. Many are drinking two liters of water per day, along with other fruit juices. This causes the body to consume more water than it needs; This affects the kidneys. It should be taken care that the amount of water to drink every day including any type of drink should not exceed 2 liters.

No water between meals

It is not good to drink water between meals as it can disturb the digestion process. So take a break of at least 20/30 minutes after eating any food and then drink water.

Light yellow hot water

Grate a lemon in a cup of lukewarm water. Drink the water on an empty stomach every day after waking up. It will increase the metabolic rate of the body; Which helps especially in reducing body weight.

If you have gastric problems

People with gastric problems will benefit from drinking two glasses of water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will also remove your constipation problem.

Do not drink water from outside

Many people drink cold water after coming out in hot weather. Maybe you like it right away. But this is not a good job at all. This can never be done from outside in hot weather. The reason is that by doing this, the risk of getting cold will remain.

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