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IS elimination from Afghanistan this year!

The United States and Afghanistan have been fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan jointly since 2001

The Dhaka Times Desk This year, the United States has announced the elimination of members of the international terrorist group Islamic State (IS) from Afghanistan.

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The US says it will eliminate ISIS from Afghanistan before removing them from Syria and Iraq.

The United States and Afghanistan have been fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan jointly since 2001. Until now, the issue of IS presence in Afghanistan has not been discussed. However, the United States recently dropped the 'Mother of All Bombs' in Afghanistan and said that they dropped those bombs to eliminate IS.

Islamic State Khorasan, better known as 'ISK', is active in parts of eastern Afghanistan. They have been operating there since 2015.

After the 'Mother of All Bombs' was dropped, the Pentagon announced that ISK leader Abdul Haseeb was killed after that incident.

Bill Salvin, a spokesman for US forces in Afghanistan, also said there was a good chance of eliminating IS this year.

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