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Comparison of one's own picture with another's picture on Facebook can cause psychological problems for women!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers say that looking at selfies of friends on Facebook for a long time can create a kind of insecurity in oneself. This effect can have a negative impact on girls in particular.


A selfie is a self-portrait taken by yourself. Girls post more selfies or pictures of themselves on social media. They also compare their selfies with others' selfies more than boys. Photos of friends are more influential because among acquaintances you recognize them more.

Little research has been done on how social media influences one's visibility. But a lot of research has already been done on how familiarity with the media affects oneself. One of the biggest reasons for the popularity of social media is to make yourself known or simply express yourself. American psychiatrists say, 'Fame affects everyone and everyone wants to achieve it. Apart from being a celebrity, the easiest way to make yourself visible is through social media.'

A large proportion of teenagers are involved in social media. They are the most excited and excited about the sudden change in mentality when they pass a stage of childhood and enter puberty. As a result, social media is currently the best medium for them to express themselves. They try to understand the effects of people's addiction to themselves with their selfies.


These data are known by researching 881 college students at the University of Ohio. They were asked about their time using Facebook, the impact of Facebook on their social lives, and their photos of themselves. The researchers presented their findings at a conference in Seattle. They say that this addiction to social media affects their lives more than the comments or visibility of their photos. Girls spend more time than boys on social media and compare themselves to others the most. As a result, the researchers believe that a negative attitude can be created about their physical structure.

Body weight and structure is a popular part of current culture. A lot of people are getting leaner bodies especially when it comes to getting into celebrity body shape. Which will adversely affect the maternal health of girls later.

Reference: BBC

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