The Dhaka Times
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May the dove of peace bring the good wind of peace

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Thursday, 15 May 2014 Christ, 1 Jaishtya 1421 Bengal, 16 Rajab 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Peace dove & peace

The picture you are looking at is a picture of a pigeon. But pigeons with bells. These pigeons look very beautiful. Villagers still keep pigeons. But pigeons are not seen from house to house as before.

Pigeon breeding is one of the most popular subjects in our country. The reason is that in most cases pigeons are kept for external aesthetic reasons. We know that in ancient times pigeons were used to carry letters. At that time there was no rule of post office or post peon and therefore pigeons were used to exchange news from one village to another or to another country. A pet pigeon used to deliver letters to his relative's house. It is heard that in ancient times, kings used pigeons to send their various messages. And for these reasons, pigeons are considered as messengers of peace all over the world. And with that in mind, pigeons are still used for inauguration in various constructive works regardless of religion. Even now we see in newspapers, pigeons fly in inaugurations…etc.

We are so proud of this white and white pigeon. Now we don't see pigeons very much in the city. However, if you go to Kamalapur railway station, pigeons are still visible sitting on top of the railing or in the corner of the cornice of the roof. They are especially seen at night. May go in search of food during the day and come back at night. May the dove of peace bring the good wind of peace in our lives - this is the hope.

Photo: Courtesy of

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