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All the reasons why we should eat eggs for breakfast

The Dhaka Times Desk In order to attend work in the morning, the body has to lose a lot of nutrients in haste and running. Eating eggs for breakfast is the most effective way to eliminate this lost nutrient deficiency.


Here are some reasons why you should eat eggs for breakfast The Dhaka Times I will present it to the readers. Having a boiled egg for breakfast gives energy for the whole day and keeps the body vibrant.

1. Role of eggs in nutritional deficiency

Eating an egg for breakfast will make up for the nutritional deficiencies of your busy day. Because eggs contain a lot of protein and fat. This will keep your nutrient intake normal. A boiled egg contains a lot of vitamin D. And we know the role of vitamin D in bone formation.

2. Eggs are a source of protein

Eggs contain a lot of protein. It means that an egg contains a lot of amino acids. Amino acids in protein are the largest storehouses of nutrients. Protein is an essential food component for building muscle in the body.

3. Eggs are relatively less expensive

Other protein rich foods are much more expensive. For example, red meat is a great protein-rich food. But it is very expensive. Eggs, on the other hand, are a good protein-rich food that is less expensive. But a boiled egg for breakfast provides about 6 grams of protein to the body.


4. Eggs do not raise cholesterol in the body

It is true that egg protein contains cholesterol. Protein and cholesterol are also complementary to each other. But egg cholesterol is less harmful than soy oil cholesterol because egg cholesterol does not turn into separate fat in the body. These fats in eggs are saturated fats that lower blood cholesterol levels. Two-thirds of a boiled egg is made up of this type of beneficial fat.

5. Eggs help the brain retain memory

Eggs contain an essential nutrient called choline, which naturally helps the brain develop intelligence. Eggs therefore help to increase brain memory.

6. Eggs increase eyesight

Two types of antioxidants are lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. As a result, there is no problem of eyesight. In addition, the micro-oxidants in eggs activate vitamin A in the body, thereby improving eyesight.

If you don't have enough time to fry an egg in oil when you leave for work in the morning, there are a few methods you can use. These include eating hard-boiled eggs, or cracking an egg and heating it in a cup in the microwave for one minute. This is how you can easily eat eggs for breakfast. An egg contains 80 calories of nutrients. About 60 percent of which comes from the fat portion of the egg.

Reference: Lifehack

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