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A company named Milspec has launched a cooking heater bag in the market

The Dhaka Times Desk Flameless heaters are not new, they have been used by the US military for several years in their various operations. Also, travelers from different countries use this stove for campaigns in different places. But recently a company called Millspec has developed a heater bag that can be used to cook anywhere.

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Generally flameless heaters are not very useful for real cooking. Most of them are used to reheat pre-cooked food for serving at mealtimes. Because these types of heaters cannot generate very high temperatures, it is not possible to cook the food in a way that is edible.


But in this case the Milspec heater brings a completely exceptional technology to the market. Millspec claims that their new heater bag can reach temperatures of up to 104 degrees Celsius and last for about 12 seconds. Also, temperatures above 82 degrees Celsius but below 100 degrees Celsius can be maintained for about 12 minutes. MilSpec says that when you put water inside this bag, a chemical reaction will start inside it and the temperature will start to rise. At this temperature it is possible for you to cook pre-cooked foods well as well as re-cook some common foods. For example, an egg can be boiled and poached fish can be eaten boiled. Camping travelers who are fed up with the hassle of carrying a stove with them can use the Millspec Heater Bag as an alternative.

You can buy this heater from the official site of Millspec, if you buy 12 heater bags together, the price of each bag will be only 18 dollars. Sign in to buy this bag To know more watch the video:

Reference: TechJournal

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