The Dhaka Times
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Another mortar shell thrown at BGP's border: BGB retaliated

The Dhaka Times Desk It is as if Myanmar wants to create a conflict by laying foot on the Bangladesh border. The unprovoked killing of a BGB member and the spate of shootings continue. Yesterday also BGP hurled mortar shells on the border. However, BGB has also given a counter reply.


Yesterday, Myanmar border guards fired BGP bullets and mortar shells at Jamchari area of border pillar No. 42 of Naiksangchari in Bandarban. After this incident, tension spread again on the border. Members of Myanmar's border guards suddenly started firing bullets and mortar shells without provocation. Of course, the Bangladesh Border Guard Force (BGB) is not sitting. They also responded. However, there were no casualties.

Recently, border guard Bangladesh Naik Subedar Mizanur Rahman was killed by Myanmar Border Guard Police at the Naikshyongchari border in Bandarban, and the tension on the border increased. Both sides have increased forces along the border. Meanwhile, additional BGB personnel have been deployed across the border to control such situations.

On the other hand, Myanmar deployed 3 warships very close to Bangladeshi waters off the Teknaf coast of Cox's Bazar. In response, Bangladesh has also deployed warships in its territorial waters and removed Myanmar's warships, according to various media sources.

All in all, the border situation remains murky. Myanmar has resorted to unprovoked attacks one after the other to bring the situation to a critical stage.

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