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Things to keep in mind before getting married

The Dhaka Times Desk Be it a love marriage or settling a family, some strange questions arise in the minds of all men and women before marriage. Hope, joy, apprehension of a new life all together, a strange nervous feeling and restlessness in the mind. Many can't enjoy this sweetest time of life in the middle of this instability. Let's know the things to remember before starting a family.


new idea
1. If your thoughts are out of whack, take a moment to calm down and collect yourself.
2. Think simply. Discuss difficult issues with a close experienced friend. The way to do it will come out. If necessary, you can talk to the person of your heart.
3. Focus on the good things.
4. Master patience with perseverance.
5. Must have courage.


What to do:
1. Good deeds, good words move people's minds.
2. Everyone loves a smiling face. So this face will make a lot of your work easier.
3. You have to bring a strong attitude to adapt yourself to the new environment.
4. Must have strong demeanor, personality in appearance.
5. Even if the problem is solved, it can be shared with the partner. So that the attitude of giving him priority in everything is revealed.
6. Pay attention to everyone.
7. Appreciate the good work. Encourage everyone more.

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