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Information Technology Brief (22-12-12)

The Dhaka Times Desk The wind of information technology is advancing in tune with the modern era. Therefore, in today's world, it is impossible to think without information technology. Today's information technology brief news (22-12-12) has highlighted several information technology news of the world.
Samsung Smartphone

Samsung smartphone of the year

In 2012, Samsung topped Apple and Nokia. Media sources gave this information. In 2011, Samsung controlled 24 percent of the world's smartphones. But in 2012, it reached 29 percent in the growth of the galaxy. In comparison, Apple's control came down from 30 to 24. As such, for the first time, the South Korean manufacturer has overtaken the long-reigning Nokia. IHS sources confirmed this position. Samsung overtakes not only Nokia, but also Apple by a small margin. In 2011, Samsung took control of 20 percent of smartphones to 28 percent in 2012. Meanwhile, Apple's control also increased in 2012. But it is not as expected. In the number of digits it is increased from 19 to 20 i.e. one part. In this context, IHS senior researcher Wenny Lam said that the year 2012 will be history in the development of smartphones. There is a lot of excitement in this industry throughout the year. It goes without saying that smartphones have evolved so rapidly in 2012. In total, the growth in smartphone shipments in 2012 was 35.5 percent. And in 2011, 35 percent of the shipment increased to 47 percent in 2012. 2012 will be the year of smartphones with innovative excitement, tight competition and global challenges, say market researchers and related analysts. Incidentally, the reign of Finland-based manufacturer Nokia, which has been under control for 14 years, has come to a halt. Apple and Nokia fell behind Samsung in terms of business and brand value throughout the year. IHS ISupply source gave this information.

The country with the largest number of robots is China

In 2014, the world's most robots will be used in China. At this time, it is said that the demand of robots in the industrial factories of the country will be 32 thousand units. ABB's China vice president Gu Chunhuan said Chinese robot manufacturers depend on foreign suppliers for many parts. This may hinder the growth of China's robotics sector. According to the International Federation of Robotics, labor costs are rising in China. In this situation, the country will increase the use of robots to maintain growth and reduce labor costs. At the China International Industry Fair, the country's robot manufacturers compete with foreign companies to showcase their products. More than 800 competing companies participated in the five-day fair. Siasun Robot and Automation Company showcased their new models at the fair. The company's robots are now being exported beyond China to the US, Canada and Russia. However, the inadequacy of the technology may be a barrier to the expansion of the country's robotics sector.

Busy ICT Fair

Multiplan Digital ICT Fair-2012 has gathered, the fair of Multiplan Computer City located on Elephant Road of the capital is being noticed by the buyers and visitors. The fair was inaugurated on Wednesday by Member of Parliament Sheikh Fazle Noor Tapas. The special guest was distinguished educationist and vice chancellor of University of Asia Pacific Dr. Jamilur Reza Chowdhury and other prominent people.
The special attraction of this fair on Friday 21 December was the debate competition. Several teams from different schools and colleges participated in it. National Media Institute Director General Maqbool Ahmed was the chief guest in the competition held on information technology.

The organizers said that due to the hartal, the crowd was less in the beginning, but now the crowd of visitors is seen. The presence of school-college students is also noticeable. Talking to the owners of the businesses participating in the fair, it is known that the number of visitors is more today. Everyone is familiar with the latest information technology products. But the product is also being sold. According to their expectations, the number of buyers will increase. Courtesy raffle draw daily on top of fair entry ticket.

Meanwhile, on the occasion of the fair, various companies have announced special discounts on their products and after-sales services. Various electronic products including desktop computers, laptops of various models, RAM, motherboards, various computer accessories, printers, digital cameras, pen drives, pens with cameras are available at the fair.

Bill Gates is busy with the toilet!

Bill Gates is busy with the construction process of high-tech completely eco-friendly toilets in people's homes around the world. It will not pollute the environment, but the gas obtained from the waste can be used for other purposes. Bill Gates said in this context, to improve the quality of life of people, prevent diseases and reduce the child mortality rate, it is more important to invent advanced technology sewage system. According to UN estimates, 2.5 billion people in the world still do not have access to sanitation facilities. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has come forward to solve this problem. According to a recent report by the BBC, 1.5 million children die every year from diseases caused by poor sanitation. It is necessary to find the right solution. Ensuring sanitation facilities is not only a humanitarian task, but also has many business opportunities. According to United Nations estimates, $6.6 billion could be saved if improved sanitation facilities were implemented to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This results in up to 9x financial improvement per dollar spent. Improved health has a positive impact on productivity. The history of using water in toilets is very old. Archaeologists have found evidence of this in the Indus Valley Civilization of the third century BC.

3 years in jail for SMS!

Jean-Claude Roger, a 32-year-old Cameroonian citizen, went to jail for talking about his love for the man he loved. He writes short messages to the people he likes through his mobile, I'm impossibly in love with you. Can someone go to jail for this little incident? Of course it can. Because Rosa, being a man, sent this little message to men, and homosexuality is illegal in Cameroon. A Cameroon court considers texting a man to be homosexual. Roza was sent to jail for three years last year in 2011. Rozar was released on bail in July this year after nearly 18 months in jail. Roger's lawyer appealed the case again. But the court dismissed the appeal and ordered Roger to be sent back to jail on December 18. Neela Ghoshal, a researcher on human rights in Cameroon, said in the media that a small message can never accuse a person of homosexuality. Text messaging through mobile means freedom of speech. It is completely private and the practice of the police to snoop on other's mobiles is also illegal. He also said that this small message of Roger does not bear the proof of his homosexuality at all. After this statement, the media also confirmed that the human rights organizations have become open about Roger's release.

Music player in web browser

We all know web browsers and music players. But what are these two benefits from the same software! Music can be listened to at the same time as you can browse web sites from this open source software from Mozilla called Songbirdnest. The biggest advantage of this software is that you can buy, search, listen and download music directly from online. Bird House www.birdhouse.songbird nestcom has several song search engines, radio, web sites where songs can be purchased, and several MP3 song blog sites. As a result, different song sizes can be accessed easily.

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