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100 million rupees of snake venom recovered!

The Dhaka Times Desk Not gold this time, or any other contraband. Snake venom worth Tk 100 crore has been recovered this time. 1 person has been arrested for his involvement.

rescue of poison

BGB has arrested a youth named Milan with snake venom worth around Tk 100 crore from Benapole Amrakhali check post in Jessore. The incident happened around 11 pm on Friday. A person named Milon has been arrested for his involvement in the incident. The arrested Milon's house is in Kagmari village of Benapore.

According to Benapole BGB sources, based on confidential information, a private car was stopped and searched at the Amrakhali BGB check post at around 11 pm and 12 pounds of snake venom was found with the young man named Milan. The estimated value of which is 100 crore rupees. Meanwhile, Milon was arrested along with the private car.

Milan, who was arrested, told BGB that the snake venom comes from France to India. Benapole comes to Bangladesh from India through the border. Milan said that he was going to deliver the poison of the snake to Dhaka. The BGB later handed Milan over to the Benapole Port police station.

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