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Ways to get rid of the fatigue of staying up all night

The Dhaka Times Desk Studying, hanging out with friends, partying or work pressure - whatever the reason for waking up at night, you may have to rush to work the next morning. But the jhimuni or fatigue as a result of waking up at night will not leave you behind. And which will bring your body or face to look devastated. But a few steps can give you a fresh look by getting rid of frizz.


Wash your face with cold water:
Not sleeping through the night gives you a tired look. Cold water will remove the tiredness of your eyes and bring freshness to your face.

Bathe in hot water:
Take a hot bath to de-stress and rejuvenate. Because cold water induces sleep more. As a result, you will be relaxed all day.

Drink hot water with lemon:
Drink turmeric mixed with warm water and lemon, or a cup of lemon tea to reduce body inertia. It also acts as a relief for alcoholic dizziness.

Make yourself a little better everyday:
A good outfit and a little makeup can make your look look tired. So be a little different from everyday.

Have a nutritious breakfast and drink tea/coffee:
Due to not sleeping all night, the body becomes dull. So take something as breakfast that will restore energy to the body. Drink a cup of tea or coffee after breakfast. Because the caffeine in tea or coffee will make your body cheerful.

Eat nutritious snacks:
It is normal for the body to lack energy due to lack of sleep. And lack of energy can make you sleepy all day. So eat nutritious snacks that will give your body energy.

While these activities won't make up for your lack of sleep, they will help you stay awake and work longer by eliminating fatigue. But there is no substitute for sleep to function well.

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