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What to do for a beautiful morning…

The Dhaka Times Desk Morning is the most important time of the day. Morning determines a lot of how the day will go. A beautiful morning can give you a productive and enjoyable day. So if you want to have a good day, try to start the morning well. But some mistakes will ruin your morning. Don't worry, a few precautions can make your morning beautiful and lively. Today we organize to talk about some unwelcome morning mistakes…


Get enough sleep
A healthy, normal person needs at least 6 hours of sleep daily. Adequate sleep keeps the body healthy and the mind cheerful. Less sleep makes us irritable. Therefore, adequate sleep is necessary to spend the day well.

Waking up early:
We have to develop the habit of waking up early in the morning. We have a lot of time in our hands. A little walk in the fresh air of the morning refreshes the mind a lot.

Not waking up bored:
Although it is said that the end is good to whom all is good. However, it is very important to start the day well. Because the beginning is the foundation of the whole day. So there is no point in waking up bored or in a bad mood. If you are in a bad mood at the beginning of the day, you can stay in a bad mood all day.

Don't break the bed after waking up
As soon as we wake up, we stretch to relieve muscle stiffness, but this is very harmful to bones. So you should not break your sleep immediately after waking up.


Avoid drinking the bed after waking up:
Many people have the habit of wetting the bed upon waking up. However, after a long night of sleep, the body becomes dehydrated. Caffeinated drinks cause more water loss in the body during this time. This process of removing body inertia has harmful effects on the body.


Avoid physical exercise:
When we wake up, our body is lethargic and slowly regains energy. So avoid heavy exercise after waking up. Light exercises such as yoga, walking or jogging are sufficient in the morning. Because heavy exercise at the beginning of the day makes the body tired.


Adequate and healthy breakfast:
In this era of competition, we rush to each other's work place as soon as we get up in the morning. In this rush, many people neglect to have a proper breakfast, which should never be done. Excessive breakfast after a long night weakens our body. Moreover, breakfast is the main source of energy for the whole day. So breakfast should be adequate and healthy.

If you do these things regularly, your morning will be beautiful and comfortable. As a result, the day will be good. Don't ruin your morning by making these small mistakes. Avoid mistakes as much as possible. May your daily morning be beautiful, lively.

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