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Check out traditional wedding dresses from different countries

The Dhaka Times Desk Different people live all over the world. Each of them has a different culture. And this culture, culture has given them identity. Marriage is one of the carriers and carriers of these social cultures. Today we will present to you the traditional wedding dresses of different cultures.


Canadian wedding dresses are very similar to traditional western wedding dresses. They prefer white color more in marriage. But the wedding dress is full of various crafts. It is more like a gown.


A Japanese wedding dress is modeled after the traditional kimono. It is multi-colored and loosely textured.


Indonesian wedding dress is divided into two parts. The upper part is like a long koti and the lower part is like a skirt. This is their traditional wedding dress.


Chinese wedding dress is similar to Japanese wedding dress ie very similar to kimano. In fact, there is some impression of Japanese and Chinese cultural similarities in their wedding dresses.


Saree is the wedding dress in Bangladesh or Bengali culture. Although there are variations in colour, it is traditionally the red Benaresi.


Lehenga is the place of Indian wedding dress of Gujarat or Rajasthan. They wear red colored lehengas along with red siddur.


France or European countries wedding dresses are almost the same. In this case it is white in color. But in France, wedding decorations are simple.


Wedding dresses in South Africa are a fusion of Western and African culture. In this case the upper part of the dress is fitted and the lower part is spread like a gown.

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