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Barguna's historic Bibichinir Shahi Mosque

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 17 October 2014 Christ, 2 Kartik 1421 Bangabd, 21 Zil Hajj 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

bibicini Grand Mosque

The mosque you see is a historical mosque. The name of this mosque is Bibichini Shahi Mosque, a magnificent example of Mughal architecture dating back 400 years.

Bibichini is a small village in Betagi Upazila of Barguna district. And in that village, Bibichini Shahi Mosque, a magnificent example of Mughal architecture, stands tall on a high hill in a breathtakingly beautiful environment. A silent witness of time, this historical 'Shahi Masjid' with a dome is about 400 years old. This archetype reminds everyone of the period of Mughal rule in the region. It is known that the history of this mosque is preserved in the London Museum. And by collecting information from there, the archaeological department under the Ministry of Culture has taken the initiative to preserve this mosque.

The special feature of this mosque is its location on a hill about 40 feet above the plain. Its length is 40 feet and width is 40 feet. The four side walls are about 7 feet wide. 3 doors on north, south and east sides are built with arches. The brick color of the mosque is grey. This brick is 12 inches long, 10 inches wide and 2 inches wide. Its shape is completely different from the present-day brick. Built of brick and stucco, this mosque has a 40 feet tall and beautiful minaret, which can be seen from afar.

If you wish, you can come and see the Shahi Mosque of Bibichini in Barguna. Because it stands as a witness of history.

Source: Courtesy of

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