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Hitler was addicted to Yaba!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have different interests about Hitler's life. Hitler is one of the toughest rulers in history. Just as Hitler is considered a bad leader by America or the West, many consider Hitler as an ideal leader and man. A recent study found that Hitler was addicted to yaba.


Yaba! Drugs are a scourge of modern times. Although it is called Yaba in Bangladesh and South Asia, the name of this drug is different in each region. Yaba's main ingredient is crystal meth. This crystal meth is taken as a drug in Germany and is called yaba in many countries including Bangladesh. This drug is again called 'Desogene' in America. Whatever the name, the element is the same.

Hitler's doctor at the time. Theodore Morel stated in his document that Hitler himself was addicted to various drugs. These drugs were used by Hitler to make himself stronger and mentally tougher. Also Hital was not satisfied with his masculinity so he used to take drugs to increase his masculinity.

A recent 47-page document by the US military intelligence agency says that Hitler used 74 types of drugs. These drugs were very high. These drugs worked one by one to increase Hital's mental and physical strength. In particular, Hital used to take various drugs to increase mental toughness before going to various meetings.

Documents show that in 1943, Hitler took two types of drugs, including crystal meth, before going to a special meeting with Mussolini, then Italy's commander-in-chief. In that meeting, Hitler gave a continuous speech for 2 hours. He didn't seem tired at all.

It is noted that yaba is used in people for immediate lethargy, sexual impotence, reducing mental stress and increasing physical strength. The side effects of this drug are serious. As a result of long-term consumption of this drug, various parts of the body, including the brain, can be damaged. Physical structure and social creativity are lost.

formula- Daily Mail

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