The Dhaka Times
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Here are some tips for the kitchen that will really help you

The Dhaka Times Desk With the passage of time, the prices of all the daily necessities are increasing but the income is not increasing with it. In such a situation, if you are not economical, it will be difficult to run. And being economical requires knowing how to recycle or reuse some things. But let's know some kitchen tips that will make you frugal.


1. If instant coffee is left in the coffee maker for a long time, it will clump. Many people throw it away, instead of throwing it away, make a thick decoction by mixing it with lukewarm water. Then refrigerate and use as needed.

2. Dry the orange peel and store it in a jar. Spread it on top while making cake or pudding and you will see the aroma spread.

3. To prevent the salt from melting or clumping, keep some rice in the salt container. You will see that the rice will absorb the moisture from the air and keep the salt dry.

4. While chopping onions and garlic, many people's eyes become watery. If you want to get rid of this condition, peel the onion and soak it in water.

5. Ice cream melts before serving. So before serving, keep the serving bowl in the fridge for a while, then serving the ice cream in it will not melt easily.

6. After boiling the egg, while removing the shell, it is seen that the upper part of the egg is sticking to the shell. In this case, before boiling the eggs, apply oil on them and you will see that the shell can be removed easily.

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