The Dhaka Times
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Tips to know: Comb your beard after showering

The Dhaka Times Desk Tips that you absolutely need to know. Such as shaving the beard. We usually shave before showering. But instead of doing that, shave your beard after showering. It will benefit your skin.

After bathing, shave the beard

Those of us who shave our beards ourselves at home need to take note of this. Because we have naturally become a rule. And that is shaving before shower. But no it's not right. Shave should be done after bathing. A men's website reports that Narasundara suggests that it is best to shave after showering. The reason for this is that the heat released from the body during bathing helps to loosen the hair follicles. As a result, it is convenient to shave the beard. It is convenient to cut the beard if it is wet for a long time. It is not likely to harm the skin either. A survey published in the 'Journal of Materials Science' in 2007 also confirmed its truth. It says 30% less pressure is applied to the blade when the beard is wet. So the best time to shave is after shower.

After bathing, shave the beard-3

Beard needs 3 to 4 minutes to absorb moisture. Less stress means less drag. The blade doesn't have to be drawn repeatedly on the cheeks, and it puts less pressure on the skin, less damage to the hair follicles, and the beard can be shaved cleanly.

Everyone uses shaving cream or gel before shaving. But before that another thing should be used, its name is 'preshave oil'. This oil removes the dead skin of the face and facilitates shaving. Before shaving again, you can clean your face with lukewarm water.

After bathing, shave the beard-2

Hands are usually used when applying gels or foams. Again, apart from the cream, apply the gel or foam on the cheeks with a brush. This is because every time the soft, narrow end of the brush moves over the face, the base of the beard will continue to soften. which will not be in the finger. Wait 30/45 seconds after first applying the foam, gel or cream. Then the beard cannon. This will make shaving easier.

It is always best to use a new, sharp razor or blade. Apply shaving cream, gel or foam to the face and first cut the beard by pulling very lightly in the straight direction of the beard.

When doing a 'clean shave' the blade should first be run straight. Next time lather up the face and run the blade as straight as you like.

Be sure to use any face cream with moisturizer after shaving your beard after using an 'after shave'. It will make the face smooth.

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