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Your sleeping posture says a lot about you

The Dhaka Times Desk How do you sleep or your sleeping posture will tell your personality! Wondering? Even though people do not have normal consciousness in sleep, subconsciously people reveal their own personality, and this is what scientists are claiming recently with their different sleeping postures.


The way you move when you're awake reveals your emotions or personality, just like when you're asleep, your sleeping posture tells what your personality is like! The University of South Australia recently gave such information Teacher Dr. Mark Koehler.

A British sleep study found that most people sleep on their side or in the fetal position while on their mother's stomach. Anxious people usually sleep in this position. This kind of sleep is just like the way the fetus in the mother's womb folds its arms and legs.


Meanwhile, Mark Koehler's research shows that people who sleep on their side are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, those who sleep with their chest elevated (kingly position) are self-reliant in their personal lives. People with strong personalities sleep in this type of sleep. Such people usually sleep on one side with their arms and legs straight along the body. They fall asleep easily and wake up at the slightest noise.

And people who sleep with their stomach down are very disappointed in their personal life. And such people have low self-confidence. They usually sleep awake. Such people have little control over their own lives.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mark Koehler, Elan and Barbara Pius also described the sleeping position of husband and wife in this research report on sleep. This report says about the positions in which husband and wife sleep:


Sleep like a spoon In this type of sleep, the husband and wife sleep in such a position that both of them look like spoons. The male usually sleeps on the outside of his wife in a spoon shape and the female on the inside. It is a natural sleeping pattern of husband and wife.


Sleeping with waist: In this case, husband and wife sleep with each other's waist, their sleeping position tells how close they are. In this case, this sleeping position means that the relationship between husband and wife is great and they are enjoying each other's touch.


Sleep with distance: In many cases, husband and wife prefer to sleep at a distance from each other. In this case, there are two ways to think either there is some kind of distance between the husband and wife or they feel comfortable sleeping with the distance. However, in most cases, such a dream reveals the distance between husband and wife.


Sleep with legs crossed When a husband and wife sleep with each other's feet together, it should be understood that the relationship between them is very sweet, they are sleeping with each other's feet and understand that they love each other very much.

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