The Dhaka Times
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5 Tips to Keep Kitchen Knives Sparkling Sharp

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people use different styles and shapes of knives for cutting vegetables and other tasks in the kitchen. But with time these knives lose both edge and grace. Today we will see how very easily you can take care of your used knives and keep them like new.


1) Care after use

No matter what you use the knife for, whatever you cut it with, the knife must be washed thoroughly with hot water and soap after use. If any vegetables or cuttings stick to the knife, it is enough to ruin the knife edge.

2) Do not soak in water

You must not keep your utility knife soaked in water all the time, there are many people who soak their knives in water before or after use or during use. This causes the knife's electroplating to wear off and dull the knife edge, making the knife look dirty.

3) If old cut food sticks

Many people stick to the knife while cutting things, which becomes hard on the knife due to prolonged exposure. To remove such things from the knife, do not rub too much and keep it in hot water for a while. It will remove old stains and dirt very easily and make the knife shiny.

4) Knife rust prevention

Rusting of knives is an annoying thing. To prevent this kind of rust or rust, you can clean the knife with coconut or other oil 2-3 times a year if you want. By doing this, the knife will not rust at all. Also, wash the knife and let it dry in the sun. Never leave a wet knife.

5) Knife care with lemon

Give the knife a good rub with lemon once a month, the acid in the lemon will remove stains or dirt from the knife and make the knife shine.

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