The Dhaka Times
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Robots will take care of the elderly!

The Dhaka Times Desk A researcher at the University of Salford in the UK has developed a robot capable of caring for the elderly. This robot, named Carebot P37S65, will administer medication on time as well as exercise. For this, the size of the robot can be changed according to the height of the patient. Even loneliness will make jokes apart from talking. As a result, even if there are no people around, the elderly will have a good time! News from online newspaper sources.


The inventor of the robot, Antonio Espingardeiro, said that the robot will improve the quality of life of the elderly by playing the role of a personal assistant. It is also able to serve patients in hospitals as it has face recognition facility. The robot can also assist in the treatment of memory loss patients with speech therapy.

It is known that doctors or family members will get a chance to remotely see whether the robot is working properly at home or in the hospital. As a result, there will be no reduction in care for the elderly. And no one will have any worries even if they are outside the house. By entrusting the robot with responsibility, you can safely do the outside work. It is also less!

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