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Now found the world's first computer!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the invention of the computer, the whereabouts of the world's first computer have not been known for a long time, but now the world's first computer has been found.

world first computer

Many may be surprised by such news. But this is the truth claimed by Argentinian scientists. Recently a team of Argentinian scientists found a calendar. A total solar eclipse occurred on Earth on May 12, 205 BC. The calendar also mentions that eclipse. Scientists believe the calendar was created using 'computerized mechanics'.

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According to media reports, researchers believe its complex mathematical calculations were based on Babylonian-era arithmetic. Prior to this, scientists had discovered through radiocarbon analysis that the world's first computer was probably built 100 years before the birth of Christ. But as a result of this new invention, the age of computer invention increased by another 100 years.

It should be noted that there have been different opinions about the invention of computers. Moreover, it was not known where the first computer was made or where its samples were. Argentinian scientists now want to prove with their data that the computer was born before May 12, 205 BC. References:

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