The Dhaka Times
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Today is a big day for Christians

The Dhaka Times Desk Today, December 25, is the big day of the great festival of Christians. Around this day, like all over the world, the Christian community of Bangladesh is in the mood of celebration.

Christmas Day

Today 25 December is the biggest religious festival of Christians. Around the day, like all over the world, the mood of the festival is going on in the homes of the Christian community of Bangladesh.

All churches and elite hotels across the country are decorated with colorful lights and flowers in a special Christmas decoration. A symbolic cowshed is installed in almost every house of the Christian community. Jesus Christ was born on this day in the cowshed of the poor shepherd in Bethlehem. Remembering that, Christians do this to create a religious atmosphere at home. The birth date of Jesus on December 25 is celebrated as Christmas with joy and celebration. This time is no exception. This day is celebrated with religious solemnity.

Christmas Day-2

According to Christians, Jesus Christ was born in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Mary became pregnant despite being a virgin, the creed says, 'by God's grace and miraculous powers'. The child is named 'Jesus' after the angel of God Gabriel (Jibril). It was this child who appeared as God's representative in the Jewish community of that time and grew up to preach Christianity. Islam knows him as Hazrat Isa (A.S.).

Today is a public holiday. On the occasion of Christmas, President Md Zillur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Leader of the Opposition Roshan Ershad greeted the Christian community in separate messages.

On the occasion of Christmas, special programs have been organized in various hotels including five-star hotels in the capital. These hotels will have Christmas parties and various games for children. As the main attraction, Santa Claus will come with gifts and surprises for the children.

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