The Dhaka Times
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The country is going through a difficult situation

The Dhaka Times Desk The country is going through a difficult situation. Blockade-strike life-journey is immobilized. The big question now is how long people will survive in such a situation.

difficult situation

In the three years of 2011, 2012 and 2013, there have been many movements. The country was plunged into a great stalemate due to the strike-blockade over the caretaker government issue. But after the election on January 5, 2014, everything stopped again. Everything went back to normal. But after one year, the problem took an obvious shape with the government party's initiative to observe 'Democracy Liberation Day' and BNP-led 20 parties' 'Democracy Killing Day' on January 5.

As 20 groups were not allowed to hold a rally, the situation became chaotic. And in his continuation, continuous blockade has started. Not only the blockade, the strike is almost repeated in some districts of the country. Even today there is strike in 14 districts including 5 upazilas of Dhaka.

Due to this situation, the country's economy has collapsed in the last one week. The communication system of other districts with the capital has been broken. Although train movement is normal. However, an unstable situation prevails in the country at present.

Now the people have only one expectation - and that is, the end of this deadlock. Do everything again as before. People want to live in peace. Why would the people be victims of political power grab or any ideological differences? That question now belongs to the people.

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