The Dhaka Times
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Another film 'Bhalobasa Limitless' has joined the release procession.

The Dhaka Times Desk Another film directed by Shah Alam Mondal 'Valobasa Seema Meen' has joined the release process after receiving the clearance from the Censor Board.

Love Unlimited

Another film directed by Shah Alam Mondal 'Valobasa Seema Meen' has joined the release process after receiving the clearance from the Censor Board. The film was submitted to the Censor Board on January 6. On January 13, the Censor Board authorities gave the clearance. 'Bhalobasa Seemaheen' starring Zayed Khan, Parimony, Anisur Rahman Milan, Sadek Bachchu, Kazi Hayat and others.

Love Unlimited-2

Director Shah Alam Mondal told the media, after completing all the tests of the film, now it is the turn of the results. And this result will be revealed by the audience. Got the censor certificate today. The release date can be obtained by submitting to the distributor association.

The film has 6 romantic songs under the banner of Noman Kathachitra. Music directed by Ali Akram Shubo.

The story of this film is as follows:
Mirza's son Zayed fell in love with Talukdar's daughter Parimani. The heads of the two families stood in the way of their love. At one point Parimoni married Milan. After that, various types of tension in the relationship began. This is how the story is structured in this film.

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