The Dhaka Times
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This mobile phone will be charged from the human body!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone has to worry about mobile phone charges. But modern technology will eliminate that irony of people. Now the mobile phone will be charged from the human body.

charged from the human body

Everyone has to suffer various kinds of ironies with mobile phone charges. Because charging is a hassle. Due to the lack of time and opportunity, many times the mobile becomes inactive. Due to lack of mental charge, the problem of speaking is often created. But technologists are inventing new technologies thinking about those problems. And these discoveries bring happiness and prosperity in our daily life.

Many times it is seen that you are in the office or out of the house for some work. But forgot to take your smartphone charger. Or your mobile is out of charge while chatting. What to do now? Technologists have made new inventions to get rid of this problem. And it does not require any charger to charge. Technology has been discovered to charge mobile phones with energy from the human body. The researchers said, in this new technology, with the help of a battery, the mobile phone will be automatically charged by the movement of the user's body. Charges will increase with movement. That's why you don't have to do any tension.

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The researchers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States have developed this new technology battery. According to the researchers, this new technology battery has been developed using a special technology called 'Thermal Regenerative Electro Chemical Cycle'. However, the researchers say, the battery is not currently being marketed for commercial use. After the complete research, this battery will be commercially released in the market, according to the researchers.

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