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Caution: 'Supari' can cause cancer!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the researchers warned those who eat 'supari'. Because this 'betel nut' can cause cancer!

Areca may be cancer

Researchers have found the association of cancer with 'Supari'. And so betel nut is known as a 'silent killer'.
About one-tenth of the world's population consumes betel nuts. This betel nut is equivalent to at least 6 cups of coffee in boosting the mind. Betel nut is seen as a symbol of love and marriage in many countries of the world. Not only this, sometimes betel nut is also used as a medicine for problems like indigestion and infertility. This 'supari' with so many qualities suddenly became a 'killer'.

Areca may be cancer-2

Asia is famous for betel nuts, according to BBC Online. Many people regularly chew betel nut not only with betel nut but also because of its stimulant properties. People who are involved in fishing or construction work, especially while driving, use betel nuts to stay awake for long periods of time. Because of this, supari is also considered as a 'psychoactive drug'.

There is a custom of eating betel nut with betel nut in Bangladesh as well. Many people are addicted to betel nut. One of the biggest problems with betel nut addiction is that the risk of mouth cancer is high for people who are addicted to betel nut. Researchers say, the long-term effects of this betel nut are so great that even decades after consuming betel nuts for the first time, it can cause oral cancer!

Among Asia, betel nut is very popular in Taiwan. And that's why betel nut is called 'Taiwanese chewing gum'. Taiwan residents like to chew betel nut like chewing gum when they get the chance. Sometimes the empty betel nut stays in the bowl; Sometimes they eat betel nut mixed with spices like betel leaves, lime, cardamom or cinnamon. However, many users have to pay due to diseases like cancer.

Han Liang Jun, an oral oncologist at the National University Hospital in Taiwan, told the media that half of the people still do not know that betel nut is one of the causes of oral cancer. Taiwan is one of the top three countries in the death rate due to mouth cancer due to betel nut. Among these ingredients, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed betel nut and lime as cancer-causing ingredients.

India and Thailand have also launched mass campaigns to sensitize users about the ill effects of betel nut. Taiwan's government is taking various initiatives to reduce this age-old practice to save people's lives. Due to these initiatives, the country has started getting good results. The number of betel nut users has reduced a lot.

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