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Bombproof bin to prevent explosions!

The Dhaka Times Desk Law enforcement agencies in the United States have adopted a plan to install enough bombproof bins to prevent bomb blasts. The decision was taken after the Boston Marathon bombings.
Boma Bin

3 people were killed and about 150 injured in the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15. Since this incident, strict security measures have been taken in New York. New York City is plowing a thousand officers who are skilled in anti-terrorist operations. Metro rail and bus stations are being alerted shortly after.

Law enforcement agencies were making announcements shortly after visiting various metro rail stations including Queens, Astoria, Jackson Heights, Manhattan, Brooklyn. These announcements say to keep your belongings close and be extremely careful. If you see any abandoned bag or packet anywhere, you are asked not to go near it and report it to the police.

Meanwhile, after the attack on the marathon in Boston, the New York marathon has also started to be extra careful. The police department has launched a new investigation into marathon security. However, New York's marathon must be held in November, said Mayor Bloomberg.

Over the past few days, all the dustbins installed in New York, especially in Manhattan, have been checked. These dustbins are bombproof. Such bombproof dustbins were installed in London during the last Olympics. New York City officials are considering increasing the number of such bombproof bins. The Boston Marathon bomb is believed to have been placed in a dustbin.

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