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Now WhatsApp in Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now WhatsApp in Facebook! Facebook authorities are going to add the feature of WhatsApp with Facebook Android application.

WhatsApp now in Facebook

It is known that the Facebook authorities are going to add the feature of WhatsApp with the Facebook Android application. Mobile messaging service WhatsApp was bought by Facebook almost a year ago. Recently, the Facebook authorities are testing this new feature called 'Send' with the application called 'Facebook for Android'.

Analysts say, after buying WhatsApp, this time a major feature is being added to Facebook. The 'send' button also resembles the WhatsApp icon. Facebook is trying for the first time to combine two major platforms to control the messaging market.

The 'Send' button will be on the right side of Facebook Messenger. Facebook's engineering team has already started building the facility to exchange messages between Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. Facebook bought WhatsApp last year for more than 2 billion US dollars. Currently it has more than 70 crore users. On the other hand, the number of Facebook Messenger service users has also crossed 60 crores. This information has been given in a report by the technology related website Geek Times.

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