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Terrible poisonous snake island story!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us shudder when we hear about snakes. But still our interest to know does not end. Today I will present such a terrible poisonous snake island story.

Awesome snake island story

An island 20 miles long. Only snakes and snakes all over the island. A huge kingdom of at least 4 thousand snakes has developed on this island. There are no people on this island, not even a settlement. The migration of the same species of snake from one side of the island to the other. And so this island has been named snake island. Although the book name of this island is 'La de Quimada Granada'.

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The island is located off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the largest country in Latin America adjacent to the Amazon. The coast of Sao Paulo is home to thousands of golden-headed snakes. This snake named Bothrops insularis lives only in this region. Bothrops insularis snake is recognized as the most poisonous snake in the world, which is about 5 times more poisonous than ordinary poisonous snakes. This snake kills the birds flying in the sky and fills the belly with the help of poison. Their poison is so terrible that it can melt human flesh in a moment. Although it sounds like a fairy tale, the Brazilian government has banned the entry of people to this island to protect the existence of this world's most dangerous and poisonous snake.

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But many have foolishly gone to that dangerous area before. Bothrops insularis snakes are bright yellowish and brown in color. They range in length from an average of 28 inches to a maximum of 46 inches. It is also called lancehead viper because of its sharp head. This venomous snake is the cause of death of most people in North and South America. In their uninhabited homeland, they usually live by eating birds. Titikiki is also one of their dishes. They even eat other snakes many times.

The shape of this island is 4.6 million square feet. This is the only place in the world where this species of snake lives. And so it is called the long dreaded 'snake island' of Brazil.

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Although the general public is not allowed to enter here, some scientists are allowed to go there every year to study the snakes. However, even in the venomous kingdom of snakes, there are regular arrivals of wildlife hunters. Because lichenhead venom is very valuable. Its price on the black market is around 17,500 pounds. Researchers see this as a major reason behind their extinction.

Note that about 11,000 years ago, this island was separated from Brazil due to sea level rise. Then snakes started living on this island. The venom of this snake is at least 5 times stronger than that of other snakes. A human being bitten by this snake has a 7 percent chance of death.

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