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A school of falconry is mandatory! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen that school dress code is compulsory but never heard that falconry is compulsory in a school. But this time it happened.

Compulsory school keeping a hawk

The story is from a village school in central Slovakia. The seventh to eighth grade students of that school have to practice such a novel subject. Falconry or falconry. But it's not a hobby, it's a must.

According to media sources, the village is a little different from that of Styvanijsk. The village of Stiavnijsa in central Slovakia is located in the mountainous region. Although the village looks quite quaint and quiet, this village is a bit mysterious. The school students here play with hawks.

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The head of the school, Pavel Michal, had this unique idea. It was he who included birds of prey in the school curriculum. He saved the school in this strange way. But not only hawks, there are many kinds of birds including owls, cockatoos in this school.

A 12-year-old boy named Sara said in this context, 'I was scared when I first saw the birds. But now there is no fear, not even at the sight of an eagle.'

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It is learned that falconry is a compulsory subject for students from class VII to class IX in this school. However, the enthusiasm of young students is not less. The school teaches about keeping birds of prey - such as their grooming and how to catch and keep them. Again how to 'top' the falcon. The school has its own 40 falcons. Some birds cost more than 5 thousand euros.

"Students learn to take responsibility for the birds because they have to work for the birds every day, even on holidays," says Pavel. They learn to make decisions, learn to be patient – because they are working with live animals. It is really very important.'

A teacher said, 'One of the most difficult tasks for students is how to properly place the food on the glove. The birds will only eat the meat, and it will not be allowed to bite the hand.' In this way students are being taught compulsory subjects in this strange school. One cannot help but be surprised to hear that.

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