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Gossip is especially beneficial for health!

The Dhaka Times Desk Gossip is especially beneficial for health! Have you ever heard of such a thing before? This time heard such words. The researchers said so.

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Gossip which we sometimes call parinda or kutlamo in village parlance. Many people love to do this. But most people look at it with a bad eye. But this gossip or blasphemy has been found by researchers to be good for health in a study. IANS mentioned this in a report.

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Researchers say that gossiping is not only an emotional thing, but the practice also provides some physical relief. It is much easier to share a secret with someone close or familiar than to keep it to yourself.

Researchers have found that when the secret is kept in the mind, it feels like carrying extra weight on the body. The researchers think that this also consumes their enthusiasm.

gossip is particularly beneficial for health

Michael Slepian, Assistant Professor of Negotiations at Columbia Business School, New York City, USA, and co-author of the paper, told the media, 'Keeping a workplace secret or any secret in your heart can destroy motivation.'

Assistant Professor of Business Michael Slepian adds, 'Holding secrets can make things around you seem more challenging and less motivating. This can reduce the motivation of that person.'

Another important point in the study is that men reveal their secrets sooner than women. In this case, the study revealed that if a secret comes to the ears of men, they tell others within half an hour. But in this case, a woman keeps the word in her mind for 3 and a half hours. Then it started telling others.'

So the researchers say, since keeping a secret to yourself destroys a person's motivation, it is better for health to not keep it a secret.

* However, it must be remembered that the view of Islam is to avoid blasphemy.

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