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Dog picture now in the list of school employees!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many were surprised to see the dog's photo on the school staff list. But the story is true. The list of school staff includes pictures of dogs!

school staff list of dog picture

Such a wonderful incident happened in a high school in the state of Minnesota in the United States. The school authorities also published pictures of the two dogs along with other employees in the staff list in the yearbook.

The dogs, named Caramel and Dakota, were hired by Blaine High School in Minnesota a few years ago. Caramel works with teacher Vicki Camacco. And Dakota works with Rebecca Thomas, a teacher of the hearing impaired. So both these dogs have come up in the list of employees in the yearbook.

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Lynn Florman, the school's head of special education, told Yahoo Canada, "I think it shows that Dakota and her owner, Vicki, live on in the minds of our students." There are many students outside of the special education department who know Dakota and enjoy calling her by name. Sometimes people don't understand their other services. So their picture published in the yearbook sends a message to everyone that they are an integral part of our team. They support our students.'

While this news may come as a surprise, it is true that dogs benefit humans in many ways. Starting from the war field to the police force, these dogs or what we call Sarmeya in Sanskrit. They benefit our society in many ways.

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