The Dhaka Times
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Poppy and Parimony together in 'Sonabandhu'

The Dhaka Times Desk Once popular actress Poppy and current popular actress Parimony are going to act together in 'Sonabandhu'. The film is directed by Jahangir Alam Suman.

Poppy and parimani together

For the first time, two popular heroines Poppy and Parimoni will be seen together. These two heroines are acting together in the film 'Sonabandhu'. Popular TV actor DA Taib is playing Poppy and Parimni in the film.

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The shooting of the film with Taib and Parimoni started earlier. However, Poppy participated in the shooting of this film from last Friday. Poppy said, the film 'Sonabandhu' is a love triangle film in rural background. I like the character of 'Sonabandhu' very much. Moreover, this is my first work with DA Taib. Parimoni is with him. All in all, I am doing the work from the heart. Hope the film will be good.

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Jahangir Alam Suman, the director of 'Sonabandhu', expressed optimism and said, "I strongly believe that 'Sonabandhu' will come before the audience as a beautiful film.
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