The Dhaka Times
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5 days after the plane crash mother and child rescued alive!

The Dhaka Times Desk Mother and child were rescued alive 5 days after the plane crash. Miraculously, 18-year-old Maria Nelly Maurilo and her one-year-old son were rescued alive.

plane crash Mother and child rescued

According to BBC news, the plane recently crashed in a forest in western Columbia. 18-year-old Maria Nelly Maurilo and her one-year-old son were rescued alive from there. Colombia's air force chief described the mother-daughter's survival as a 'miracle'.

According to media reports, on June 20, the two-engine plane was going to Nukai from Quibdo, the capital of Choco city. En route, the plane crashed in a forest in the Alto Boudu region. Two days later, rescuers went to the scene and found the pilot dead in the cockpit. Meanwhile, they noticed that Maurilo and the child had left through the door of the plane. A 14-member rescue team rescued them from the forest after 3 days of searching. They were later taken to a hospital in Quibdor. They are being treated there.

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