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Smart headlights will drive even in snow or heavy rain!

The Dhaka Times Desk Driving on roads due to heavy rains or heavy snow storms is very difficult. No one even takes the car out on the road in such weather. But now a car headlight is being invented which can be used in rain or snow conditions. News The TechJournal.

This discovered headlight will fall on the road in such a way that it looks like several light spots are visible. Because when it rains or snows during natural calamities, it becomes very difficult to drive. But the lights of this car are completely different. In addition to illuminating the surrounding environment in front of the car, the headlights are obscured by raindrops and snow making them appear as bright spots. Due to which the driver will be able to see clearly even in rain and heavy snow.

We know that light always moves in a straight line. Light always scatters an object and then the object becomes brighter. Then we see things well. But in the case of rain, the headlights of a car magnify the smallest raindrops in front of the driver. As a result, it is very difficult for the driver to see the road.

A group of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University made this discovery by thinking about the safety of cars during winter, especially when the temperature is very low or minus. They used a special camera and a projector, a rust suppressor and a processor set for 'smart headlights' to introduce advanced headlight systems. First, the camera monitors the speed of the rain and at the same time the processor makes a prediction about where the next raindrop will fall. The processor then sends this calculation to the projector. After getting this calculation, the projector stops lighting the part exactly where the smallest drop of rain falls on the light. But at the same time the other lights of the car will illuminate the road properly. And this is how the headlights gradually illuminate the roads. So that the driver can drive very comfortably during rain or heavy snowfall.

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